Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Two Bags and A Dog

Two bags and a dog. Yup that's the title of my blog today.. Ron found it a bit amusing and took this picture straight away. He is wondering what I am doing there sitting line by line with the bags. Just a word of confidence to you guys that I am no way pee pee at the bags. hehe

It was a wonderful morning and I enjoyed sitting at my favourite spot while looking out for that Mr Goldie Cat to come by. I haven't seen him for days now. Guess he had migrated to somewhere else. (What a relief! At least to say that I won't be having Mr Goldie Cat's paw on my turf)

1 comment:

Angie Tan said...

Hi Shadow..

Just wanted to wish you Happy Christmas!! May you get loads of bones and toys from your humans.

Snooopygirl & Rustyboy